Bd. Leopold II 150, 1080 Brussels (BE)
22 Rue Philippe de Girard, 75010 Paris (FR)
Lokus is a landscape design practice, based in Brussels and Paris. The office was founded by
Elise Candry and Charlotte Fagart. Both trained as architects and landscape architects,
they gained experience in landscape architecture at Bureau Bas Smets between 2014 and
2022, where they took care of a wide range of projects, such as masterplans, public parks
and squares, infrastructural projects and collective gardens. Lokus creates and transforms
outdoor spaces, with the aim to obtain a sense of ‘place’. User values and landscape
values are inextricably intertwined. Lokus takes to heart to valorise the existing vegetal
and architectural heritage, to reinforce biodiversity and to manage rain water in a sustainable
way in every project.
Lokus is a landscape design practice, based in Brussels and Paris. Lokus creates and transforms outdoor spaces, with the aim to obtain a sense of ‘place’. Strong emphasis is placed on the complementarity of multiple landscape functions. Lokus was founded by Elise Candry and Charlotte Fagart. Although both are originally trained as architects, they further developed their interest in urbanism and landscape architecture through several master programs and work experiences. Between 2014 and 2022 they gained experience at Bureau Bas Smets, where they took care of a wide range of projects, such as asterplans, public parks and squares, infrastructural projects and collective gardens. 
Elise Candry
+32 (0)484 58 95 22
Belgium, 10.08.1990 (NL-FR-EN)

Master of Science in Engineering: Architecture, UGent (2013)
Master of Human Settlements, KU Leuven (2014)
Master Architecte Paysagiste, Uliège (2022)
Teaching assistant at KU Leuven, Studio Public Infrastructure (2023 - current)

Charlotte Fagart
+33 (0)6 61 75 43 10
France, 09.10.1981 (FR-EN-IT)

Master en Architecture D.P.L.G., École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais (2007)
Master en Architecture du paysage et du jardin, IUAV (2017)
Obtention de l’autorisation d’utilisation du titre de Paysagiste Concepteur en France (2020)
IRA Lokus landscape


The rooftop terrace of the IRA in Lille is being redesigned to accommodate a large group of people, while preserving and even enhancing its green character. A new gallery and staircase will be added, creating a connection to the upper rooms and a covered seating area on the terrace.

Location - Lille (FR)

Client - Institut Régional de l'Administration de Lille

Team - Lokus, Atelier Fada, Siretec

Phase - preliminary design

Lokus landscape_Swartenbroeckx


The proposal for the playground of the ‘Armand Swartenbroeckx’ school is based on a limited number of interventions, allowing a large obstacle-free area, but at the same time radically changing the daily use of the playground. Three landscape entities animate the playground: a planted island surrounded by a large circular bench, an extended canopy equipped with play infrastructure, and the ‘Alice in wonderland’ hedge. This proposal forms the base, which will evolve during an intensive participation process with the children and adults from the school.

Location - Koekelberg, Brussels (BE)

Client - Municipality of Koekelberg

Team - Lokus landscape, Ouest architecture

Phase - sketch design

Lokus landscape_steenbakkerij


The former brickworks site (18.57 ha) in Steendorp has been abandoned since it ceased operations in 2010. Based on the guidelines from the brownfield agreement, the masterplan was elaborated, exploring potential future scenarios for the site. These scenarios envisage a landscape restoration in combination with afforestation and soft tourism-recreational functions.

Location - Steendorp, Temse (BE)

Client - Municipality of Temse & Steenbakkerij nv

Team - Atelier Midi, Lokus landscape, Witteveen+Bos, Idea Consult

Phase - approved masterplan

Lokus landscape_ULB la plaine

ULB la plaine

Within the framework of the masterplan for the ULB Campus 'La Plaine' a series of interventions are proposed. Outdated infrastructures are transformed into qualitative open spaces, such as a landscape amphitheater, a raingarden, and a renewed pathway system for pedestrians and cyclists. All interventions include an important focus on accessibility, biodiversity and rainwater management. 

Location - ULB Campus La Plaine, Ixelles, Brussels (BE)

Client - ULB

Team - Lokus landscape, FPIC

Phase - under construction


The project of the public spaces within the ‘Jacquet’ district in Koekelberg (Brussels) provides an opportunity to rethink the landscape and urban sequences in a part of the city that currently suffers from a lack of continuity and legibility. The challenge is to open up the district by making it part of a larger-scale system of parks and public spaces, crossing the existing infrastructures. The project proposes three structuring axes: 'le mail jacquet', 'la promenade des étangs', and 'les venelles de koekelberg'. The detailed design of the public spaces contributes to a general framework of four ambitions: renaturing, equipping, managing rainwater, and slowing down traffic.

Location - Koekelberg, Brussels (BE)

Client - municipality of Koekelberg

Team - Lokus, New South, Greisch, Granstudio

Phase - preliminary design

Jacques Franck

The project for the Jacques-Franck Square creates a new dynamic by  increasing the number of activities (playgrounds, sports infrastructure, green areas) along the Chaussée de Forest, allowing the current dominance of the sports field to be diluted. A comb-shaped figure, alternating 'squares' and 'gardens', is proposed. Instead of being a fixed plan, this proposal serves as a framework for participatory actions, making it possible to further define the equipments together with the local inhabitants. This method makes it possible to create a variety of spaces with different atmospheres and equipments, while guaranteeing a common identity.

Location - Forest, Brussels (BE)

Client -  Forest municipality

Team - New South, Lokus landscape

Phase - building permit


A sequence of small gardens on three levels is created within the limits of a private plot. A semi-intensive green roof was created on the second level, while an intensive green roof flourishes on the first level. Finally, a narrow stretch on the ground-floor is divided into distinct garden areas by two terraces: a densely planted part is created at the main terrace, while the backside of the plot is coupled to lower and more open vegetation.

Location - Molenbeek, Brussels (BE)

Client - private

Team - Lokus, Ouest architecture

Phase - under construction


Within a shaded patio a stepped garden is created, connecting two floor levels. The steps are planted with a variety of shrubs, perennials, ferns, and ornamental grasses. A couple of seating spots are integrated in between the green areas.

Location - Forest, Bruxelles (BE)

Client - private

Team - Lokus, Ouest architecture

Phase - realised


Design and realisation of the outdoor spaces within the renovation project of the cultural centre ‘Scarabaeus’ in Schaerbeek. The current building leaves no space for any vistas or outdoor spaces on the plot. The design proposes a series of green areas, bringing sunlight and air into the building. This new green sequence plays with the heterogeneity of the existing spaces and structures. Each area has its unique identity and atmosphere, while the consistent use of materials and furniture ensures continuity between them.

Location - Schaerbeek, Brussels (BE)

Client - Renovas

Team - Lokus, Ouest architecture, Artsceno, JZH, Kahle acoustics

Phase - under construction


This project transforms the city theatre’s garden in Deinze, strengthening the green infrastructure and the potential for biodiversity on site. An important aspect of the greening strategy is the proposal for an adapted maintenance plan, delineating areas with high and low frequency of maintenance. Intensively maintained stretches form an informal path system along which several seating spots are created, as well as scenes for sculptures from the adjacent Mudel museum. These discrete interventions have enhanced the biodiversity as well as the aesthetic quality of the garden within a limited time and budget.

Location - Deinze (BE)

Client - Bosplus vzw, Stad Deinze

Team - Lokus

Phase - realised


Design for two collective rooftop gardens within the development project ‘Citydox’ in Anderlecht, located along the Brussels canal. Designed as dense green environments with varying topography, the proposal for the gardens ensures a right amount of substrate in the right places. The topography directs and controls the vistas, while creating several intimate places within the garden. Each garden has a collective terrace, allowing small events to be organised by its residents.

Location - Anderlecht, Bruxelles (BE)

Client - Atenor

Team - Lokus, Veld, B-architecten

Phase - building permit (lot 6) & realised (lot 7)


The project for Riga’s new ‘building technology school’ was combined with a new design for the adjacent public park. Today the park is little used or appreciated by the city residents. The design integrates the school building within a lush park area, extending the green space over the entire plot. The school belongs to the park, but the park also belongs to the school. Both entities exchange programs and reinforce each other. Some programmatic entities direclty relate to the school building, such as the exhibition deck and the terrace near the cafeteria. Others result from the public character of the park, such as the outdoor sports field and the natural rainwater basin.

Location - Riga (LV)

Client - City of Riga

Team - Lokus, Sampling architecture, Ouest architecture

Phase - preliminary design


The two outdoor spaces of the renovated cinema ‘Movy club’ relate like brother and sister: similar yet different. The one is a densely planted garden, a source of fresh air and biodiversity. The other, a patio, is designed with the same ingredients but following different proportions. There, a continuous gravel surface provides an open and flexible space, while some circular cut-outs make room for greenery. Given the enclosed nature of these two spaces, a mixed vegetation palette for shaded areas was elaborated, consisting of trees, shrubs, perennials, and climbing plants.

Location - Forest, Bruxelles (BE)

Client - Service Public Régional de Bruxelles

Team - Lokus, Ouest architecture, AAC, Artsceno, Enesta, Daidalos Peutz

Phase - tender


Masterplan and its realisation for a former distillery site (6 hectares) located in the Polish village Zarnowiec. The old distillery factory and the surrounding outdoor areas will be used for art related events and agritourism. The masterplan embodies four main ambitions. A first one is to valorise the site’s industrial character, together with the presence of spontaneous nature. Secondly, the aim is to frame and enhance the views across the valley, towards the Zarnowiec lake. A third is to curate an art-related promenade across the site. A final ambition involves giving a new life to ‘objets trouvés’. Various materials and structures still bear witness to the site’s industrial past. These are given a new function and are re-used within the redevelopment of the site.

Location - Zarnowiec (PL)

Client - private

Team - Lokus, TLO architecture

Phase - tender


The project ‘speelbossen’ consists of the design and realisation of a series of play forests for five youth-oriented sites in East Flanders. It aims to strengthen the green infrastructure on the sites, with an important emphasis on nature play and food production. The goal is to illustrate how the structure of a food forest can be integrated within a play infrastructure. For each one of the sites the selection of plants is based on local conditions. Additionally, all plants are of native origin. Play elements are created from robust and sustainable materials and when possible, are assembled with wood found on site.

Location - Deinze, Brakel, Beveren, De Pinte, Destelbergen (BE)

Client - Bosplus vzw

Team - Lokus

Phase - realised